Hope + Lutheran + Church

a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

35 Ridge Avenue Homer City, Pennsylvania


Get connected with some of the other ministries that the people of Hope are involved with, or link to partners in the wider church!

Ministries Beyond Our Doors...

  • Lutheran World Relief
    LWR is a Lutheran-affiliated service organization working to end poverty, injustice, and human suffering.

  • Equal Exchange
    Hope coordinates local group orders of fairly-traded coffee, tea, chocolate, and coca through the LWR Coffee Project and Equal Exchange.

  • Eco-Palms
    Our annual celebration of Palm Sunday has an added commitment to justice and care for creation by our community's support of fairly-traded, ecologically sustainable palms, in an effort coordinated locally by Hope members.

  • Lutheran Campus Ministry at IUP
    Nearby Indiana University of Pennsylvania has an outpost of Lutheran Campus Ministry, which Hope supports.

    The Evangelical Coalation for Mission in Appalachia is a ministry organization within the ELCA that pursues advocacy and ministry needs in Appalachia, whose headquarters is located in nearby Indiana, PA.

  • Heifer Project
    The Lutheran congregations of our Indiana area cluster join together every year in Lent to raise money for one or more "Arks" through Heifer, which combats poverty and hunger around the world by providing animals for families to provide them with milk, eggs, and meat.  Recipients pass the gift along by giving offspring of animals to others in need.  Learn more about Heifer above.

    The Indiana County Community Action Program (ICCAP) coordinates many programs to help individuals and families in our county, including the Food Banks across the county and the one in Homer City.

  • Relay for Life--Indiana County
    Hope sponsors a Relay for Life team for the Indiana County Relay annually--learn more about this community outreach to support the American Cancer Society.